
When you knew new

HiGHFiVeSoCiaLCLuB - #babieswillruletheearth I have a full length record in recording right now and am pretty FUCKING excited about it. I finally get to introduce you (tha world) to my band HiGHFiVeSoCiaLCLuB (one man as it is but with a few guests). I have around 17-20 songs (with intros and cross tracks) and will be tracking vocals the next three weeks. This is an intro for another track but it has it's own life and I want to share it with you all. It's called #babieswillruletheearth and it's a poem I wrote about collective consciousness after being inspired by the Russian chess champion Garry Kasparov. His take on the evolution of people led me to this conclusion. #babieswillruletheearth

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